Friday, 4 March 2016

Ayurvedic Treatment for Heart Diseases

Till early eighties, it was widely believed that heart disease was virtually irreversible. This meant that once developed, the disease ran a progressive course until the coronaryarteries were completely blocked. But recent studies have proven beyond doubt that not only it is possible to stall the process of artery blockage but also the blockage can be really reversed. This implies that through measures other than angioplasty (ballooning) or bypass surgery, it is quite possible to increase the blood flow to the areas of the heart that receive less than adequate blood supply due to clogging of the coronary arteries.

It is quite disheartening that the highly technological approach of the modern medicine literally bypasses the underlying causes of the heart disease. Ayurveda, on the other hand, aims at striking at the very root of the disease. A real cure for this disease is only possible if we adopt a holistic approach as the one advocated in Ayurveda and address the problem at its very root. Shunning the age-old principles of healing described in the Vedas- the great Indian heritage, as unscientific only just because they are old, is most unfortunate. However, due to the intensive research work of some doctors in the west, people now have come to believe that Heart Disease can be reversed.

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1 comment:

  1. Heart disease can be treated in a natural and safe way. Use herbal supplement to get rid of heart disease.
